Waking Up To A New India - LS Elections 2019

Well Done India!

For decades, a majority of Indians were divided on the basis of caste and linguistic diversity. They also gave it a catch phrase - "Unity In Diversity". What a boat load of crap!

Economic prosperity was controlled by the governments (Socialism) and routed through middle-men, who took their own cut out of it. The caste-politicians benefited by keeping the citizen divided and away from a future where an individual controlled his own destiny. The majority never got out of of the psychological ghettos that separated them from the others to be able to see any kind of potential future where their aspirations could be fulfilled.
We who were born into a 65,000 Years old civilization, were fed with a fictional version of the Independence Movement, provided with false heroes and deliberately abstracted from a glorious culture and history. An 800 year period of Genocide and Slavery was masked under a facade of manipulated glitter & grandiose of the "Sultans" and the "Firangs". We lost one third of the land mass of our country and what was worse that, we were made guilty of being offended by it!

What actually neutralized this facade was a young India who refused to confirm to the accepted ways of their parents; one that grew up in a "Globalized India", found their voices in the era of Social Media and based their beliefs, not in the content from the school text books, but from the world of information available at their fingertips. They neutralized the old Political Ecosystem based out of Lutyens, through the sheer power of reach of the Social Media and Cellular Networks and also ensured the demise of "False Gods". They just wanted more than what the Government could provide them and they did not have patience for the thieving feudal-dynastic political system!

Economics, not Diversity will be the great unifier - 
Now it's time to diminish the caste-quota benefits, kill the religion based NGOs, bring in Uniform Civil Code and usher in an era of opportunities- then let the economy handle the rest. There is no greater unifier than Opportunities to create wealth based on one's own enterprise, where each person is judged on abilities alone - "Unity In Economic Prosperity".

The caste based electoral system is slowly dying and a majority in India is being liberated from it's nightmare that has been 900 years long! 
The strategy was to keep them distracted and thus submissive enough, to never be able to collectively speak out or protest against the Machiavellian machinations that were at play. They were quite oblivious even when the Terra that they were standing on was being plundered from right under their feet. Selfish motives were also dangled to keep the "Diversity" antagonistic to each other. 

An attempt was even made, to shame the majority into disconsolate passivity by peddling the "Hindu Terror" theory which, mercifully failed and in quite a spectacular manner. This was an extension of the same depraved and deviant mindset that calls the Israelis - "Occupiers" and blames the Kashmiri Pandits for their own exodus.

Good Administration, Governance & Economics, where the middle men were weeded out and more and more mainstreaming of the economy happened at a rapid pace. What was seeded by Narasimha Rao and watered by Vajpayee, was accelerated by Narendra Modi.


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