Poisonous Planet!

Blogging after a very long time... Life has gotten even more busy after Rian has come into our lives :-)
Ever wonder as to why the early civilizations used to try and live harmoniously with nature and why the modern civilization with all their vast knowledge has pushed this planet over the cliff!

Beats me!!!!!

We are bent upon destroying the very planet that we are living on and it is really not like we have another option.
The human population is estimated to touch 70 Billion soon and natural disasters are killing scores each year. A huge natural calamity has the potential to wipe out big numbers.

Apart from that we have been poisoning ourselves, the land and water with the use of Synthetic Fertilizers. Fertilizers find their way into the water table and also find their way into our bodies through the food and water. Over a period of time it seriously impacts the natural contents of the soil creating an imbalance and rendering the soil unproductive. This would mean using more and higher concentration of fertilizers and thereby taking it to viciously dangerous levels.

Exposure to fertilizers over a period of time is known to alter the immune and endocrine systems and also leads to major thyroid problems. It is also known to cause foetal abnormalities. Thyroid problems may lead to impaired brain development and neurological disorders. It is also known to cause learning disorders and impact our response to stimuli.

It is funny as to how every religion on earth promises a doomsday of some sort except probably the purest form of Hinduism which in fact was never a religion so much as an effective way to lead life in harmony with the nature and environment. But of course that way of life got polluted with Gods over a period of time.

It causes us great concern when we hear that there is going to be a cataclysm of events that will cause an end to the human race. These predictions are something that most human beings are loath to disbelieve in. But we do not mind sending our planet closer to and end on a daily basis by messing up our natural surroundings.

Be it usage of plastics or incessant dredging of the ocean floor for fishing or depleting the green cover by cutting down trees to create more farmlands or using high carbon fuels... We are killing our planet systematically and slowly each day, causing irreparable damage.

But what is the threshold where things turn for the worst suddenly and we see an accelerated deterioration.
Does anyone know?? No we don't.
Do we even know if we have crossed that threshold and that any day we may see a rapid deterioration? Again the answer is - we don't.
Till then let's hope that we are not killing the planet. We do not own it. It belongs to each and every species that live on this earth and it belongs a little to each generation in the future. Also by our actions we are ensuring that the planet will take even longer to recover or even that it will never recover from the damage that we are causing it.



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