Across The World And Laughing

I'm at Wilmington, Delaware and enjoying some well deserved rest and time with family. Also able to spend some time reading. My two year old daughter keeps me busy and I try to entertain her and keep her occupied. These two years have been great for me and fatherhood has changed me.

I have also been spending time watching Cricket and enjoying it too. Watching India stand toe to toe with Australia on this tour and watching the Aussies complain was really fun. It made my day.
Watching the Aussies complain about too much Cricket and then shutting up when money was shoved into their faces (IPL) was looking at another face of India that I have always wanted to see. Its not arrogance but happiness to see our India in a new light, a face of India we never thought we would see.

India has been growing in all Spheres and this has been heartening to watch. My generation has been the bridge between the new India and the old. The generations to come will always be better than the ones that have already lived their lives. Thats pure evolution.

We have seen India emerge from the shadows of being a "Third World Country" to being an economic power and a country that provides Financial Aid to other developing nations. We lead these countries at the WTO and have been their voice. We are taking over the administration of almost all leading organizations of the world and are at the centre of new ideas.
We are also taking over bigger companies and firms across the world. In my sphere of work, we are already the best in the world and still a long way to go before we achieve our potential.

I also saw another face of India during the last few weeks- an ugly and repulsive one at that. A bunch of jerks with a moron as their leader out on the street trying to force people of a particular community to flee from Maharashtra.
I thought; here are a bunch of illiterates always there to remind us that there are still uncultured idiots among civilized people. A bunch of human genetic garbage trying to stop a river in spate by stretching their arms. India is slowly becoming cosmopolitan on the whole, not because we are trying to be one, but plainly due to progress & economics.

In the next 3-4 decades the language barrier shall fall to the rupee, education and better forms of transport as India will shrink and we shall truly be an Indian. Government Schools, Colleges and Offices where religion, caste and language often form the basis of admissions shall become redundant and private organizations shall rule the roost and meritocracy and capability will reign supreme.

Meanwhile let us pause and laugh at the monkeys out on the streets trying to stop time itself.

Its really funny. Maybe they do not know history. The greatest civilizations like Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Incas etc were wiped out in time. What survived is the human spirit and new civilizations that were more liberal and flexible.
Time wiped out the dinosaurs, but Cockroaches survived. Someday someone shall find the bones of these idiots along with ours and form a wrong opinion about our generation. But then that is what history is all about.

Did they not try and ban Rushdie's "Satanic Verses", Shourie's "Worshipping False Gods", tear apart books that spoke about their own culture, ban movies and plays. But did it stop the world from reading these books or stop them from watching a particular movie??? Nope it never works that way does it?

So let us watch these jerks try to go about their monkey business and laugh at their pathetic lives that are just there to be used by some moron to fulfill his political ambition.


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