To New Beginnings.
What is it about this time of the year, that we inevitably tend to look back and wonder as to how we spent the year? Is it because we are so conditioned, that every new year, we often expect a clean break from the past and new beginnings. The ancient Babylonians first celebrated the New Year on January-1st about 4000 years ago and the Greeks and Egyptians used a baby to symbolize the new year. It represented rebirth as we embarked on another journey around our central star - the Sun. In reality, it is anything but magical! As we await to transit around the Sun one more time, we need to realize that we live in a vast expanse called the universe and in terms of the relative size, we are no more significant than a speck of dust in a vast desert. Any potentially hospitable planet closest to us is probably 17000 light years away in another galaxy. If today if our planet were to meet with a cataclysmic end, it would not make any difference to the existence of the Universe. A...